Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dreams Do Come True (Now What?)

Well, here I am, on the cusp of seeing my dream of authorhood come true. Truthfully, I always knew it would happen, felt it down to my very bones. But as the day draws nearer, as the book reviews in national magazines get ready to appear, as my face pops up on Amazon along with some really awesome previews, as the scheduling for book readings start showing up in my calendar, I can't help but feel, well, mildly terrified. What do you do when your dreams really do come true? The idea of formulating a new dream seems somewhat daunting. I mean, this dream was a decade in the making, and, by all accounts, was very nearly unreachable. What next? What do I dare dream for? Success? Name recognition? Financial gain? It's funny, those are the obvious choices. But in truth, I just want to be read, for my work to reach as many people as possible. That's my new dream, and I know, just know, I'll wake from it with a big, bright smile on my face. For now, though, I'll just let my current dream unfold, in beautiful, full-blown technicolor.